Lance Valentine


Basic Presentations for Walleye in the Weeds

As spring turns to summer everything in nature starts to turn to green. Our lawns need constant attention, the trees are coming into full bloom and weeds are starting to grow in our favorite walleye waters.

Lance Valentine


Jig, for Walleye in the Weeds

Weeds provide some of the best walleye habitat in most lakes and can be the primary home of walleye in some bodies of water. As soon as they turn green in late spring weeds, especially cabbage and coontail, host good populations of walleye and even some trophies

Lance Valentine


Crawler Harness Basics for Walleye

Walleye fishing can be as hard or easy as anglers want to make it and in today’s high tech, go-fast world it’s good to slow down and go back to basics.

Lance Valentine


Spinner Blades for Walleye

Everywhere walleye swim one of the most effective and simplest ways to catch them is a nightcrawler harness and a big juicy crawler. A few hooks, some beads and a blade are all an angler needs to ...

Lance Valentine


8 Adjustments for Dirty Water

Few things can turn a good fishing trip into a tough one faster than dirty water.

Lance Valentine


Challange of Dirty Water

Spend enough time on the water and you will have to catch fish I dirty water.


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