Sweat the small stuff to catch more fish

Remember the saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff?” I would agree it is a great adage for a happy life, but may be keeping you from catching as many fish as you could. Throughout the years it has become obvious that the “small stuff” when applied to fishing is extremely important. Here are a few tips to help you catch more fish this year by sweating the small stuff.

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1. Learn to use your electronics. Nothing can increase your catch faster than spending more time fishing where there are catchable fish, and the fastest way to do that is using your sonar and GPS to their full potential. It’s pretty hard to catch fish of any species if none are in the area, yet anglers spend most of their fishing time fishing where there are no fish!

A few minutes spent learning the proper setup and interpretation of your sonar unit can pay huge dividends during the fishing season. Find some time early in the season and take a day with no fishing equipment in your boat to experiment with your sonar unit. When you are marking objects on your unit, begin by changing settings such as colorline, sensitivity and the depth range and make some notes on how the settings affect the readout on the sonar display. As you get more comfortable with what your sonar is showing you, it will be much easier to search for fish before putting your lures in the water!

Every season in seminars I cover advanced tips for using your GPS in detail and I heard from several anglers who took the tips to the water and were more successful. Simply using different waypoint symbols to show what happened at a spot will help you visualize what is actually happening during the fishing day. For example, use one symbol for fish caught trolling crankbaits and a different symbol for fish caught on spinner/crawler combos. By using different symbols and colors, your GPS screen becomes a living fishing log with all types of fish catching information.

2. Use the proper fishing line for the technique. One of the biggest mistakes anglers make is trying to use the same line for all their fishing. No single line is the best choice in all fishing applications, and using the proper line for the presentation you are fishing with is a huge step to better fishing.

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Most major line manufacturers sell several types of line, each one designed for a specific set of presentations and conditions. Learn what each of these lines is designed for and use them when needed, and you will be surprised at how many more fish you catch and how much easier fishing is.

Choosing the proper fishing line for the conditions is actually quite easy. To start, decide if the best line will be a no-stretch superline, a monofilament or a fluorocarbon line. This simple first step can be the difference between a good day of fishing and a great day! Despite what you may have heard, do not believe that one type of line is best for all fishing conditions. During the course of the season anglers should be using superline, mono and fluorocarbon, being careful to match the proper line to the presentation and conditions.

3. Use the proper terminal tackle. Talk about the “small stuff”! Terminal tackle such as swivels, snaps, and snap swivels are often ignored by anglers, but using the proper pieces can definitely increase your catch!

One of the biggest mistakes I see with anglers on the water or at our seminars is the improper use of snap swivels. Lots of anglers tie on a snap swivel and use it to attach everything they ever fish with. Not a bad idea when using lures that spin, but a snap swivel can actually make some lures less effective. Tie on a snap swivel if you are using lures/tackle that need to spin to be effective, or could cause line twist. The only times snap swivels get used on my boat are when fishing spinners or closed loop bottom bouncers in current. For all other presentations a plain snap is used or the lure is tied direct.

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Crankbait snaps are a very useful piece of terminal tackle and should be used for most presentations. Use a snap to attach crankbaits to your line and the bait will work with the maximum action it was designed with. If a crankbait is twisting your line, do not use a snap swivel, but spend a few minutes to “tune” your crankbait and get it running straight. Another place to use snaps is when fishing spoons. Spoons are not designed to spin, but to “snap” from side to side, and when fished properly should not twist your line. Use a snap, not a snap swivel, to get the proper action from your spoons this summer.

When buying snaps and swivels it is important to choose quality components. Swivels should be ball bearing, and if possible use solid rings as opposed to split rings. When buying snaps or snap swivels, be sure the snap has a round bend at the lure end so the lure can slide freely on the snap.

4. Sharpen your hooks. Nothing can cost an angler more fish than using dull hooks. Fortunately, the solution is quick and easy. A simple hand held hook file should be found in your boat at all times-I always keep 3 to 4 within easy reach and use them often during a fishing day. Each time a lure or bait is brought in the boat, take a few quick seconds and check the hooks. Learn a good sharpening technique, and hit your hook points often.

5. Tie good knots. Nothing is more important in the success of your fishing than the quality of the knots you tie. Having the correct lure in the right place may hook fish, but landing them is a direct result of your knots holding! You don’t need to know a lot of knots, but learn a few and learn how to tie them well. Two of my favorites include the Palomar and the Uni knot. With these two knots, about 90 percent of knot tying needs are met including attaching a lure or terminal tackle to line, attaching two lines together, and creating a slip bobber stop knot.

The big stuff is fun to figure out-what lake to fish, where to start, what lure to choose, but when it comes right down to it, fishing success almost always depends on the small stuff. Sweat the small stuff this season when you are fishing, and watch your success increase.

For more great fishing information including articles, videos, seminars, fishing education weekends and more be sure to check out www.teachinfishin.com

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